CD U.S.A. WWI raccolta
Grande raccolta di 36 manuali in lingua inglese sugli armamenti e sulle attrezzature militari degli Stati Uniti durante la prima guerra mondiale.
I manuali sono in formato PDF, registrati su di un dvd per un totale di circa 630 Mb.
Cliccando sulle immagini si apre un anteprima pdf ridotta del manuale
A brief description of submarine mines-1917 10 pages
Airship USA 1917 240 pages
Army artillery firing report - 1919 79 pages
Construction of deep gallery shelters - USA 1917 43 pages
Defense against gas - USA 1919 77 pages
Description-and-Instructions-for-the-Use-of-Aeroplane-Flare-Mark-I-and-Release-Mechanism-Mark-1-for-Aeroplane-Flare-1918 19 pages
Description-and-Instructions-for-the-Use-of-Drop-Bomb-Dummy-Mark-I-Manual-1917 8 pages
Description-and-Instructions-for-the-Use-of-Signal-Rockets-Mark-I-and-Mark-II-1917 7 pages
Du-Pont Blasting accessories-1920 100 pages
Duties of anti gas personell - 1917 16 pages
Equipment manuals for service in Europe -1918 107 pages
Grenade warfare -1918 163 pages
Handbook-of-Aircraft-Armament-USA-1918 98 pages
Handbook-of-the-2-95-Inch-Mountain-Gun-Materiel-And-Pack-Outfit-USA-1916 141 pages
Handbook-on-Fragmentation-Drop-Bombs-Mark-IIa-II-I-and-III-1918 19 pages
Aircraft mechanics handbook - 1918 406 pages
Identification of aeroplanes - 1917 71 pages
Instruction for the use of MK-I-Hand-Grenade -1917 11 pages
Instructions for the use of Rifle and Hand-Grenades - 1912 11 pages
Instructions for the use of Rifle and Hand-Grenades USA 1917 24 pages
Learning-to-Fly-in-the-U-S-Army-A-Manual-of-Aviation-Practice-USA-1917 188 pages
Life-in-a-Tank- 1918 145 pages
Light trench mortar STOKES -USA 1918
Manual of bayonet excercises-1907 21 pages
Manual-for-Submarine-Mining-USA-1912 160 pages
Military signaling - 1917 114 pages
Navy ordnance activities WorldWar- 1920 508 pages
Ordnance data - 1918 265 pages
Perception on subterranean sounds works- mines- 1917 57 pages
Table of United States Army Cannon and Projectiles -USA-1915 23 pages
The soldier'smanual of foot care and foot wear -1916 68 pages
The story of Ordnance in the World War-1920 179 pages
Training for the Trenches a Book of Humorous Cartoons on a Serious Subject -1917 19 pages
Trench warfare - 1917 160 pages