Cd 3 Germania
Sono 23 manuali in lingua inglese e tedesca riguardanti, il munizionamento, l’ addestramento, i veicoli e alcuni armamenti.
In totale circa 500 Mb registrati in formato pdf su di un cd
Facendo click sulle immagini si apre un pdf con alcune pagine del manuale
Axis infantry weapons -1954 69 pages
Die maschinenpistole-44 -Germany-1950 25 pages
Maschinengewehr-34 teil 2 MG-Lafette 34 -Germany-1943 24 pages
Tm-e9-206a German-7,9 mm dual purpose machine gun MG-34-1943 72 pages
Company officers Handbook of the German Army-USA 1944 141 pages
German divisional emblems-USA 1945 87 pages
German propaganda leaflets - 1945 51 pages
Handbibliothek desoffiziers handbuch der waffenlehre-Germany 1908 600 pages
manuale del cannoniere Tedesco 1938 -172 pages
The German replacement army ersatzheer-USA 1944 388 pages
Unsere frauen und die Jugend im Luftschutz- 1940 german 36 pages
Wehrpflicht fibel- 1935 german 118 pages
German 1938 ammunition for small arms - 33 pages
Handbook of Enemy Ammunition -German Ammunition -1945 69 pages
Handbuch-der-Flugzeug-Bordwaffenmunition-1936-1945 257 pages
Intelligence bullettin - land mines grenades and boby traps - 1943 106 pages
Kennblatter-Fremden-Gerats-Munition-Ab-3-7cm-1941 406 pages
Ubersicht uber deutsche und fremde ankertauminen Germany-1946 139 pages
Fm-30-42 Foreign-Armored-Vehicles-German-Japanese-Russian-and-Italian-1942 148 pages
Panzer 1943-1957 Germany 196 pages
Panzer helfen dir-Germany 1944 29 pages
Summary of german tank in phothographs-october-1944 34 pages
TME9-803 german Volkswagen - 144 pages